Claim Magazine

Claim Magazine

Claim Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



EndoCuff is an innovative disposable device that slips onto the end of conventional colonoscopes to improve mucosal vision and enhance tip control during a colonoscopy. EndoCuff features soft flexible projections which gently support the tip of the colonoscope in the colonic lumen during extubation so providing greater stability and reducing sudden slip back and juddering. The projections evert large folds and flatten small folds so that significantly more mucosa can be visualised. With sixty million procedures worldwide this will revolutionise detection rates within cancer screening.

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Lenify is a collapsible emergency stretcher that can eliminate the chance to occur secondary injury by lifting up the patients onto the stretcher. The smart handle structure inside is able to extend and lock at the same time. This unique structure makes this emergency device feasible to protect patients more. The biggest value for this stretcher must be the thoughtfulness of protecting the injured people. As a medical product, to protect and help people should be the first priority. With its high protecting and convenient traits, we can potentially reduce more stretcher-related adverse events.

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Touch Free Life Care

The touch-free lifecare bed is made with embedded chips to monitor physiological functions.Patients can control their mattress temperature and bed position with the intuitive interface without having to call the nurse for these tasks. Also this screen is used by the nurse to maintain a record of drugs and fluids administered which is then sent to the interface at the nurse station. The interface at the nurse station shows and alerts any changes in parameters such as patient body temperature, blood pressure, sleep pattern and moisture levels. A lot of staff hours can thus be saved using tlc.

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Nidus is a concept bed for children treated at hospitals. The project aims to present a design consistent with humanitarian policies and efforts carried out in pediatric wards in Brazil´s public hospitals, making the hospitalization experience less traumatic for children. Inside hospitals, where the ward space is shared with other patients, kids are limited to bed borders, their personal space, almost like their “bedroom”. The project incorporates a series of communication elements aimed at aiding the contact between child and nurse, making the bed fun and customizable for the patient.

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Heart Aid

Too many lives are lost to cardiac arrest every year, simply because the appropriate medical response was not available in time. Heart Aid is designed to fill that critical gap in time, between the start of a heart attack to the arrival of the paramedics. Clever ergonomic features that reduce error and save precious time, empower non-medical professionals, to increase the victim's chances of survival from a grim 5%, up to 74% !

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PreVue is a solution to enhancing maternal-fetal bonding as a reassurance window. It is an e-textile based apparatus that uses 4D ultrasound. Latest stretchable display technology is also employed on the abdominal region, allowing other members of the family especially the father to connect with the foetus in its context. PreVue not only gives you the opportunity to interact and comprehend the physical growth of the baby, but also an early understanding of its personality as you see it yawning, rolling, smiling etc., bringing you closer till the day it finally rests into your arms.

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World's best designers, artists and architects.

Good design deserves great recognition. Everyday, we are pleased to feature amazing designers who create original and innovative designs, amazing architecture, stylish fashion and creative graphics. Today, we are presenting you one of the World’s greatest designers. Checkout an award-winning design portfolio today and get your daily design inspiration.

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